Year 3
We would like to introduce you to our Year 3 Staff
Mrs. Ledeira - Classteacher (Tue - Fri)
Mrs. Farmer - Principal (Mon)
Mrs. Saunders - Special Educational Support Assistant
We would like to begin by wishing everyone a very Happy New Year!! We hope you all had a warm and cosy Christmas, spending time with your nearest and dearest. Here’s to hoping 2025 brings you all good health and happiness.
After a very busy and successful Autumn Term, we are ready for round 2 at St George and St Martin’s with a lot more fun and excitement waiting ahead.
The children will learn through discrete subjects. Below are some of the things that we will cover during the Spring term.
Other Faith
Science Our focus in science this half term will be Biology: Plants
Design and Technology
Cooking and Nutrition
P.E. Autumn 1
Autumn 2
Computing Computing Systems and Networks—connecting computers Information Technology Microsoft Word Processing |
RHE We will look at belonging |